Who Can Serve

NSF seeks diverse panels composed of outstanding researchers from a wide range of institutions, geographic locations, and backgrounds.

Reviewers must be able to evaluate early-career applications on their demonstrated potential for significant achievements in science and engineering.

Reviewers must have some quantifiable expertise in the field for which they review applications. Reviewers typically have an advanced degree or equivalent work experience in a STEM field and have experience supervising research or advising undergraduate or graduate students. Reviewers come from either academe or industry with the ability to understand advanced scientific subject matter and impartially describe the merits of the applications submitted by undergraduate or graduate students.

GRFP Reviewers include:

  • Faculty who work with undergraduate and graduate students
  • Individuals who conduct research in NSF-supported fields
  • Individuals who can review interdisciplinary research plans

Reviewers must be affiliated with a United States-based institution or organization. Students and post-docs are ineligible to review.

For a list of fields supported by GRFP please visit here.